Locked on Patriots Podcast Mid-Week Mock Drafts

I was on the "Locked On Patriots" Podcast this week to talk with host Mike D'Abate about the two mock drafts and how to try and get in the head of Bill Belichick and try to try to predict what the Patriots will do next week in the NFL Draft.

The past few weeks I've been posting my New England Patriots mock drafts to FullPressCoverage.com. You can check out the New England Patriots Mock Draft Version 1.0 here and Version 2.0 here

Give a listen: Mike is podcasting about the Patriots five days a week and he does an amazing job. He's full of football knowledge, has great guests (well, except when I'm on), loves his pop culture references and overall is such a fun listen.

"Locked On Patriots" Podcast with host Mike D'Abate 
